Event Support & Roadshow Management


Event Support

With tailored solutions, Kalms Operations manages smaller workshops with just a few attendees, as well as large meetings with 1000 or more participants. We organize medical events and shows in close cooperation with partners from science and the industry.

From the Voice of the Customer to Roadshow Management

Looking for feedback from Key Opinion Leaders on your idea or innovation? Kalms Operations will support you; from the identification of suitable KOLs to interviewing them on the phone, at their hospitals, offices or at medical conventions. We will co-travel with your team or work on your behalf.

Do you want to provide hands-on experience to potential clients in Europe? Are you aiming to increase product awareness amongst Key Opinion Leaders? Whatever your goals are, Kalms Operations will design a tailor-made campaign for your organization; if you are not entirely sure what steps should be taken for maximum success, we will help you to identify them. Our professional support will save you time, resources and money.